Archive for the ‘Film Reviews’ Category

So, Tom Charity over at CNN has a review up regarding X-Men First Class….

Here’s my gripes:

  1. Magneto does not have telekinetic powers, he is a magnetist. He controls any material that can be affected by magnetism. Which is why most if not all of the X-Men developed technology is made/constructed of Carbon Fiber, Aluminum, and other non-magnetic materials.
  2. The White Queen (Emma Frost) does not turn her skin into ice, its diamond. DIAMOND YOU IDIOT!
  3. Yes the characters are for the most part very brooding and serious save Sean “Banshee” Cassidy. Those characters are SUPPOSED to be brooding! Beast, Mystique, Havok were all very brooding and troubled characters in certain ways. And Banshee was always more the fun loving prototypical Irish archetype. He, Nightcrawler and Wolverine would routinely go drinking together.

Look, I am not saying X-Men First Class will be the greatest film ever or anything…I am saying understand the source material prior to complaining about the end result. Its like watching the Kenneth Branagh film adaptation of “Much Ado About Nothing” and then bitching and moaning that they are speaking like its some sort of Shakespearean play…WELL YEAH NO FREAKING DUH! Or watching “Air Bud” and then stating its like its some sort of child’s movie and not Oscar worthy at all. Again, NO FREAKING DUH!

Just sayin is all. Just sayin.