Posts Tagged ‘film’

So, Tom Charity over at CNN has a review up regarding X-Men First Class….

Here’s my gripes:

  1. Magneto does not have telekinetic powers, he is a magnetist. He controls any material that can be affected by magnetism. Which is why most if not all of the X-Men developed technology is made/constructed of Carbon Fiber, Aluminum, and other non-magnetic materials.
  2. The White Queen (Emma Frost) does not turn her skin into ice, its diamond. DIAMOND YOU IDIOT!
  3. Yes the characters are for the most part very brooding and serious save Sean “Banshee” Cassidy. Those characters are SUPPOSED to be brooding! Beast, Mystique, Havok were all very brooding and troubled characters in certain ways. And Banshee was always more the fun loving prototypical Irish archetype. He, Nightcrawler and Wolverine would routinely go drinking together.

Look, I am not saying X-Men First Class will be the greatest film ever or anything…I am saying understand the source material prior to complaining about the end result. Its like watching the Kenneth Branagh film adaptation of “Much Ado About Nothing” and then bitching and moaning that they are speaking like its some sort of Shakespearean play…WELL YEAH NO FREAKING DUH! Or watching “Air Bud” and then stating its like its some sort of child’s movie and not Oscar worthy at all. Again, NO FREAKING DUH!

Just sayin is all. Just sayin.


Blade Runner - Poster

OK, Blade Runner. I know this film is on most people’s “Untouchables” list but I wanted something strong as our first post. Here we go…!

Blade Runner- 1982

Los Angeles, 2019, Rick Deckard, a blade runner, has to track down and terminate 4 brutal and cunning genetically engineered organic robots called replicants who  have returned to earth seeking their maker.

Original Cast
Rick Deckard- Harrison Ford
Roy Batty- Rutger Hauer
Rachael- Sean Young
Gaff- Edward James Olmos
Pris- Daryl Hannah
Captain Bryant- M. Emmet Walsh
Dr. Eldon Tyrell- Joe Turkel
J. F. Sebastian- William Sanderson
Leon Kowalski- Brion James
Zhora- Joanna Cassidy
Hannibal Chew- James Hong

Prometheus’ ReCast!
Rick Deckard- Clive Owen
Roy Batty- Daniel Craig
Rachael- Marion Cotillard
Gaff- Mads Mikkelsen
Pris- January Jones
Captain Bryant- Brian Cox
Dr. Eldon Tyrell- Geoffrey Rush
J. F. Sebastian- Steve Buscemi
Leon Kowalski- Peter Stormare
Zhora- Sarah Shahi
Hannibal Chew- Randall Duk Kim

Quori’s ReCast!
Rick Deckard – Tom Hardy
Roy Batty – Mark Strong or Walton Goggins (I am totally torn…love them both for this part!!!!)
Rachael – Gemma Arterton
Gaff – Rufus Sewell
Pris – Sienna Miller
Captain Bryant – Terry O’Quinn
Dr. Eldon Tyrell – Tom Wilkinson
J. F. Sebastian – Paul Giamatti
Leon Kowalski – Jason Flemyng
Zhora – Rhona Mitra
Hannibal Chew – Steve Buscemi

Alright, what do you think?

We have our list of films we want to ReCast! and remake….what are some of your thoughts on films ripe for ReCast!? Do you have any untouchables?

Here is a list of some potential untouchable films in many people’s eyes:

  • Casablanca
  • Gone With the Wind
  • Mary Poppins
  • Jaws
  • Star Wars: A New Hope & sequels (We ALL want to ReCast the prequels!!! 🙂 )
  • Schindler’s List
  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Some Like It Hot
  • The Dark Knight
  • Goodfellas
  • The Godfather
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • The Shining
  • Psycho
  • West Side Story
  • The Natural

Again, nothing here will EVER be off limits. We welcome all constructive comments…but those above might have some strong opinions one way or the other. Do you have any untouchables? Are there any “perfect” films in your DVD/Blu-ray collection?

I admit…my guilty pleasure of a perfect film…The Fifth Element. But we’ll get to that in another post.

Welcome to ReCast! We’ll be posting our thoughts and comments on film remakes and recasts and ask for your input and feedback as well! Never liked Mark Hamill as Luke? We’ll discuss it! There are no taboo or off limits films, everyone will be open to criticism and critique.